Thursday, November 18, 2010

November 2010

Just had another "God Moment". Cleaning our room, changing our sheets, listening to Christian music on the radio about 10 mins. ago and here goes.....

"Did it ever occur to you that Ferdinand feels the same way about H and H as you do about J, J and M?"

What do you mean God?

"I mean you treat J, J and M differently since Bob died don't you?"

Yes. I guess I kinda do. " You feel 'sorry for them' you treat them with kid gloves and shelter them from any more harm"

Yes. "Do you feel sorry for H and H and treat them the same?"

Yes, but I am fulfilling the role of their mother now, so I think it's less intense and different for me because I am "IN " the role of their mother.

" Do you think it's less intense for Fredinand?"

What do you mean?

" I mean can't he feel the same way about J, J and M that you feel about H and H? Can't he feel the same about H and H as you feel about J, J and M?"

Thank You Lord, for letting me see that I am no better and no more important than Ferdinand in Your eyes. Thank You for opening my eyes up to the fact that Ferdinand hurts for H and H just as I do for J, J and M and that he wants to be Dad to J, J and M just as I am Mom to H and H. The roles that You have given us are NO different. We are EQUAL and the SAME. When I want to shelter J, J and M, Ferdinand wants to shelter H and H. And it's OKAY. And when I am Mothering, it's OKAY for Ferdinand to be Fathering. Both are equal and important roles in family life. Sometimes I need to step back and realize that when I feel hurt the most is when you ad God LOVE me the most. Life's easy applications are sometimes "blinded by MY light and not THE LIGHT (God) I feel better......

May 2007

In the shower getting ready for work one morning:

God, though I am happy and excited about this new relationship, can You please give me a sign that it is really from You?

" All things right and good come from your Father Almighty in Heaven" (paraphrased)

James 1:17 - Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning. [NKJV]

So I knew, and I was right! We were engaged a month later and married in September 2007!

Ferbruary 11, 2006

My second audible God Moment came after meeting with the doctor regarding Bob's prognosis which wasn't good.

"Remember Laurayne that IF you believe in ME, you will let MY will be done and with grace and wisdom from Me you will accept and understand it"

I pray that You will not allow Bob to suffer and linger, but will take him in Your time, peacefully to live with You forever.

Hard to say and face and admit, but it was easy to accept and allow myself to begin the healing process and the process of letting go before I had to say goodbye.

August 1997 God Moment

This was possibly my first real experience with hearing God directly speak to me audibly.

One afternoon on the way home from the hospital after visiting my grandfather at the corner of Park Road and Highway 51 while stopped at a red light, the Voice of God said "If you believe in Me then you know it's MY will be done not yours"

At that point I answered him by saying " I surrender my grandfather to you Oh Lord. May YOUR will be done and may You give me the grace to understand and accept it"

My first real God Moment!